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Edit tag

This method is a lot more complex than Rename tag and Delete tag. It is used to assign tags to articles. Not only user-created tags, but also system ones. For example it is used to mark articles as read, or to star them.



Request parameters:

  • a - tag to add
  • r - tag to remove
  • i - item ID. Can accept two types of values (see Article ID formats), whichever you prefer:
    • 1234567890 (shortened ID, preferred as it saves bandwidth)

Additionally i can be an array of IDs instead of a scalar value, so you can tag multiple items at once

List of system tags:

  • user/-/state/ - mark/unmark this article as read. Note that articles with timestampUsec older than firstitemmsec of its feed cannot be marked as unread. The API will silently ignore this request.
  • user/-/state/ - Add/Remove star (favorite) to the article.
  • user/-/state/ - Broadcast article.
  • user/-/state/ - Like article.
  • user/-/label/tag_name - add custom tag.


This will mark two articles as read in one request:

This will mark two articles as unread and will add test tag to them:



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